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Your Options For Missing Teeth

When you have missing teeth, it can impact your smile, oral health, and confidence. The good news is there are several options for missing teeth. Whether you're looking for a permanent solution like dental implants, considering partial or full dentures, or exploring other alternatives, this blog post will guide you through all the options. Don’t Ignore Missing Teeth While it may be tempting to overlook a single missing tooth, doing so can lead to a range of issues that affect your mouth's...


Dental Flipper Vs Partial Denture: The Pros and Cons

Dental Flipper Vs Partial Denture: The Pros and Cons When it comes to replacing missing teeth, people are often faced with a choice between dental flippers vs partial dentures. Both options offer solutions to restore a natural-looking smile and enhance oral functionality, but they come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this blog post, we'll delve into the pros and cons of dental flippers and partial dentures to help you make an informed de...


How Much Do Partial Dentures Cost Without Insurance

How Much Do Partial Dentures Cost Without Insurance If you're dealing with missing teeth, partial dentures offer multiple benefits that greatly improve your quality of life. Feeling self-conscious about missing teeth can take a toll on your self-esteem, but dentures give you a reason to smile confidently again. But partial dentures can cost up to $3,100 when you get them from a dentist. This makes them unattainable to many people. But when you buy directly from...


Partial Denture vs. Implant – Which One is Right for You?

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, there are several options available, with partial dentures and dental implants being two of the most popular. Choosing the best solution can be a daunting task as each has its unique benefits and drawbacks. Factors such as cost, personal preference, and the condition of your jawbone and existing teeth play a significant role in determining which option is right for you. In this blog, we'll take an in-depth look at dental implants vs partial denture...


What is the Best Type of Veneers for Your Teeth?

A beautiful smile can be a great confidence booster, and veneers have become a popular cosmetic dental treatment for achieving that perfect smile. However, with various veneer options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which type is right for you. This blog will explore the factors to consider when selecting the most suitable type of veneer, including the different types of veneers available. Whether you're contemplating this highly sought-after procedure or just curious about the...


Why Use a Custom Nightguard for Teeth Grinding or Bruxism?​

Did you ever wake up with a sore jaw, toothache or headache? These are common sleep bruxism, or teeth-grinding symptoms. According to estimates, 10-15 per cent of adults are dealing with sleep bruxism and children will often experience it too. Teeth grinding or bruxism can be difficult to control or avoid, since it happens during sleep. One way to prevent the harmful effects of grinding your teeth is to wear a nightguard. (more…)...


Why Wearing Your Retainer After an Orthodontic Treatment Or Braces is Important?​

 It's a big day, and your braces are finally coming off! Does that mean that you're done? No. Your journey not stop here. Your orthodontic specialist may recommend that you wear retainers after your braces have been removed, and they will always be very strict about it. Retainers are a crucial part of holding your teeth straight after your braces. After treatment they must be worn frequently to keep your teeth in their correct, new position while your gums, ligaments and bones chang...


Do I need night guards for Teeth Grinding?​

Spending your nights gnashing the teeth together is exhausting, just to awaken with a sore jaw, headache and broken teeth. And it is much more difficult to have a night guard prescribed that fixes the grinding symptoms — but does not have a remedy to stop the grinding for good. Though eight percent of the population reports that their teeth are grinding, we think this number is underreported. As a result, health problems and skyrocketing costs continue to make people suffer. This ...


What Safety Does A Professional Sports Mouthguard Provide?​

While we provide our teeth with plenty of care by daily cleaning, and make routine visits to the dentist to ensure that there are no underlying issues with our dental health, we are often less vigilant about preserving our teeth during sporting activities. Physical sports often require contact with the body, and the involvement can result in injuries. Sport injuries may include any part of the body, and when it comes to possible injuries, the mouth is no exception. A misplaced pass, or flaili...


What are partial dentures?​

Commonly known as false teeth, upper and/or lower dentures, are made in such a way so as to fill the space or gaps created by missing teeth so that you can be carefree when you flash your brilliant smile. Partial dentures are usually made of gum-colored bases that hold replacement teeth that attach to the adjoining natural teeth by way of clasps, also called precision attachments. Additionally, partial dentures can also be taken off or removed whenever you want. What’s more, this sim...