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What is a Valplast Partial Denture?

Over 120 million Americans alone are missing at least one tooth. While partial dentures are not a necessity for all of these people, partial dentures have increasingly become a popular alternative to more expensive methods of tooth replacement. Is a Valplast partial denture right for me? Aside from providing a complete smile that boosts confidence, a Valplast partial denture makes chewing easier and helps retain the structure of your jaw over time, which can shift more dramatically with m...


Why is There a Calcium Buildup on My Night Guard?

After wearing a nightguard for an extended period of time, you may notice white spots begin to emerge on the surface. These white spots are calcium buildup. While this is common, calcium buildup on a nightguard is also a sign that you need to clean your nightguard more regularly. What is Calcium Buildup? Calcium buildup appears as crusty, hard white spots on the interior surface of a nightguard and can be alarming if you’ve never encountered them before. These spots are formed by the natu...


Clip-On Veneers: A Buyer and User’s Guide

Clip-on veneers, clip-on smiles, or snap-on veneers, have become a popular option for people with uneven or misshapen teeth. For the price-conscious, they offer a simple and vastly more affordable option than their traditional counterparts. But for many considering clip-on veneers, many unanswered questions exist. Are they the right option for me? Will they mimic the appearance of natural teeth? How do I care for my clip-on veneers, and how long will they last? In this blog, we giv...


Pros and Cons of Metal Free Partials

With advances in the technology used to make and wear dentures, plenty of options are available for you: are metal-free partials the best choice for you? For people looking for dentures, three variables should influence their decision: cost, durability, and adaptability to a changing mouth. People who experience lost teeth use dentures for different reasons – your decision should be based on what is right for you both now and down the line. There isn’t a universal best option for ever...


What Makes a Clear Essix Retainer Different?

Whether a patient is looking for a retainer after just having braces removed, or looking for a retainer to help reposition teeth later in life, there are a few options to consider before choosing which retainer is the best fit. There are two major types of non-permanent retainers on the market: Hawley retainers and Essix retainers. In general, Hawley retainers are what most people think of when they envision a retainer — a removable retainer with a wire and plastic base shaped to fit a ...


Flexible Partial Dentures for Front Teeth: Prosthetic Tooth Alternatives?

Missing teeth change the way you think, feel, and act around others, and can damage your gums if not treated in the long term – are flexible partial dentures for front teeth a suitable alternative for expensive prosthetic replacements? Our general conception of what dentures are is outdated. In truth, there are many options available that are affordable, comfortable, and provide you with the smile you’re looking for. Flexible partial dentures for front teeth can serve as a great alter...


5 Tips for Managing Sore Spots with New Dentures

Like most medical devices, wearing new dentures for the first time will come with an adjustment period as patients become acquainted with the sensations of using and living with dentures. Part of this journey can include intermittent points where patients find their mouth or gums have sore spots or discomfort. These moments are natural when first adjusting to a set of new dentures, and are not an immediate cause for concern, but they are understandably something patients would address than suffe...


Can You Buy Partial Dentures Online Without Seeing a Dentist?

One of the most common questions we’re asked is “Can you buy partial dentures online without seeing a dentist?” For many of us, we expect to see a dentist for all our dental needs – after all, they’re experts in their field and are qualified to field these questions. However, visiting a dentist to get dentures can be expensive, and is not necessary for every case. For those looking to buy Nesbit partial dentures, ordering them online can offer an attractive alternative. This can...


3 Benefits of a Custom Sports Mouthguard

A custom sports mouth guard offers players a perfect fit that lets them focus on playing sports, rather than having an uncomfortable piece of plastic in their mouth. As COVID-19 restrictions loosen around the country and summer approaches, kids and adults are returning to America’s favorite pastimes: football, basketball, baseball, and soccer. With more Americans playing the sports they love, it is important that people continue to keep safety top of mind. Sports account for arou...


Is Sleep Apnea on the Rise? Can an Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece Help?

Can an anti-snoring mouthpiece assist with sleep apnea? Public health officials have noticed an alarming trend across the United States: the rise of sleep apnea. Over 26% of Americans between the ages of 30 and 70 are projected to have sleep apnea, and this number seems only to be growing. But how big of a deal is sleep apnea? For many of those suffering, symptoms present as loud snoring. This might not appear to be a big deal. Additionally, those with sleep apnea might experience ...