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Do I Need a Daytime Mouth Guard?

Do I need a daytime mouthguard? Most people are aware of teeth grinding and jaw clenching, or bruxism, as a nighttime affliction that is generally helped by wearing a nighttime mouth guard, or “night guard”. However, it has been found that bruxism is not limited to the night, and can actually affect many during the daytime hours as well. Because of this, many people who experience headaches and jaw aches throughout the day may experience daytime bruxism, or awake bruxism, and would benefit f...


Grinding Your Teeth? Try a Mouth Guard

If you’re waking up in the morning with a sore jaw and tight neck, you may be suffering from “bruxism” (tooth grinding) while you sleep. According to the New York Times “typically 10% to 16% of adults regularly suffer from sleep bruxism. But this has been no typical year: Pandemic-related stressors are associated with an uptick in not just tooth grinding and jaw clenching but also cracked teeth and other bruxism-associated dental problems.” Although bruxism is a common condition...


Know Your Options for Missing Teeth

A confident smile helps you feel and look your best. While gaps in your smile are often a cause for insecurity and shyness, missing teeth can also be detrimental to your overall dental health. When left untreated, gaps in your smile place more pressure on existing teeth and may lead to more serious complications down the road. Luckily, with advances in modern dentistry, there are many options to address missing teeth. Tooth replacement choices like dental bridges, dentures, and dental imp...


Are DIY Denture Repair Kits Safe?

Let’s face it: dentures are expensive, and when your dentures are damaged or broken, using a DIY repair kit can often seem like the easiest, most cost-effective solution. But are denture repair kits safe or effective? DIY denture repair kits aren’t regulated, meaning that while hundreds of options are available at low cost, there’s no telling what is actually included in a kit. More, the practice of fixing dentures without professionals can lead to reduced functionality. ...


Know the Difference Between DIY Dentures vs. Ordering Dentures Online

Looking for DIY dentures? Make sure you know what you’re getting before clicking purchase. The phrase “DIY dentures” is deceptive, as it often refers to two different things that can have dramatically different consequences for your overall dental health. Some DIY dentures kits mean – literally – making a set of homemade dentures yourself. Dental experts highly advise against purchasing these types of dentures. These sets of false teeth are not designed around your jaw or...


Essix vs. Hawley Retainer: Which is Best?

After years of orthodontia, it’s an amazing feeling when you finally get your braces off. It’s time to celebrate, eat popcorn, chew gum, and enjoy your beautiful new smile. But although your smile might be perfect now, you need to practice ongoing orthodontal care to keep your teeth in place long-term. For most people, ongoing orthodontia means wearing a retainer at night to keep teeth in place. Wearing a retainer may be a lifelong commitment, so it’s important to make sure you have...


What is an Essix Appliance?

After you have fixed the position of your teeth and bite with braces or related orthodontic devices like Invisalign, the next step is wearing a retainer-like an Essix appliance. As anyone who doesn’t wear a retainer can tell you, failing to do so can lead to crooked teeth and a less desirable smile. For this reason, you should choose a retainer that works around your lifestyle. Retainers ensure that your bone tissue grows to support the new position of your teeth. Every day that you go ...


Adding a tooth to a partial denture

A missing tooth no longer poses the same problem it did in the past thanks to a variety of cosmetic alternatives for teeth. Between prosthetics, traditional dentures, flexible partial dentures, and more, you have more choices than ever to get back your perfect smile. However, depending on the underlying cause of your missing teeth, some of these options are better than others. Flexible partial dentures have become a popular choice for those with at least one missing tooth thanks to their comfor...


How to Deep Clean a Retainer

Once braces are removed, most orthodontists will prompt you to wear a retainer. Getting your braces removed is an incredible feeling – for kids, this means eating popcorn, sticky candy, and other sweets that have been off-limits. While brushing teeth may now be easier, this doesn’t mean that dental hygiene can be relaxed. In fact, many people who wear retainers neglect to clean their retainers. This post will outline everything you need to know about how to deep clean a retainer. Wear...


Who is Most Affected by Bruxism?

Do you experience severe tooth grinding while you sleep? You’re not alone. Millions of Americans struggle with tooth grinding (or bruxism) every year. Many don’t even know that they grind their teeth at night, yet experience side effects that can hurt both your teeth and your jaw. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, bruxism is defined as “repetitive jaw muscle activity characterized by the clenching or grinding of teeth.” It occurs most frequently during the perio...