Does a Snoring Nightguard Work?

Husband shutting his ears due to wife's Snore

We’ve all been there. You wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of someone snoring and lay awake trying to block out the noise. According to the Sleep Foundation, “snoring affects roughly 90 million adults nationwide” and is a chronic issue for many. But not only does snoring affect the sleep of others, but it also affects the snorer’s sleep quality as well. Prolonged snoring episodes may lead to increased tiredness, and trouble focusing, and may be a symptom of other sleep-related issues like sleep apnea.

Luckily, snoring doesn’t have to be a life-long problem. There are easy solutions available to alleviate snoring and help you, and those around you, get a better night’s sleep.

What Causes Snoring?

Contrary to popular belief, snoring usually doesn’t have to do with your nose. In most cases, snoring is the result of a restricted or blocked airway due to the relaxation of the throat and tongue that happen during deep sleep. As the throat relaxes, the airway becomes smaller and the vibrating tissues cause the noise. Snoring may also be caused when the tongue blocks the throat leading to a similar restriction of airflow. While there’s no one-size-fits-all diagnosis as to why people snore, snoring can be attributed to weight gain, alcohol use, and upper respiratory congestion among other factors.

Along with lifestyle solutions like weight loss, healthy eating, and allergy medications, snoring is most often treated by using a specially designed snoring nightguard to help minimize symptoms and aid in restful sleep.

How to Do Snoring Nightguards Work?

Snoring nightguards are generally divided into two categories: Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs) and Tongue Stabilization Devices (TSDs). Both of these devices work by increasing the opening at the back of the throat and therefore increasing overall airflow. Depending on the structure of your mouth and teeth, you may find that one device is more effective than the other to address your particular needs.

Tongue Stabilization Devices

TSDs are designed to keep the tongue in place during sleep and prevent it from blocking your airway. TSDs are designed to position the tongue in the front of the mouth by attaching to the tip of the tongue and holding it in place. TSDs are typically a better choice for individuals who suffer from jaw pain or have unresolved dental issues.


  • Suitable for people with small mouths or jaw issues.
  • Since they are less intrusive than MADs, TSDs work for individuals with other dental devices like orthodontics or implants.
  • TSDs have a straightforward, ready-to-use design.


  • Since TSDs restrict the tongue, they may cause excessive saliva to build up leading to drooling.
  • TSDs may be uncomfortable for some sleep positions since they sit at the front of the mouth.
  • TRDs are “one size fits all” so may be uncomfortable for some individuals depending on the structure of the mouth.

Mandibular Advancement Devices

MADs are designed to move the jaw forward, causing the back of the throat and airway to open up during sleep. MADs fit into the mouth like a standard night guard and offer adjustable leverage to shift the position of the jaw. Some MADs are made using a boil-and-bite method, which softens the plastic so you can customize it to fit the contours of your teeth, while others are even more highly customized, providing a snug and accurate fit.


  • MADs are customizable, which makes them more comfortable for long-term use. Both boil and bite varieties and custom-manufactured varieties are available.
  • Since MADs are worn like retainers, they are comfortable for any sleep position.
  • Unlike TSDs, MADs serve the dual purpose of preventing teeth grinding as well as minimizing snoring.


  • MADs are not a suitable option for individuals with other dental appliances like braces or implants.
  • Because they change the position of the jaw, MADs may lead to side effects like jaw pain and shifting teeth.
  • MADs are typically slightly more expensive than TSDs, owing to their customization.

Bid Snoring Goodnight

Both TSDs and MADs are great solutions to help minimize snoring and encourage a healthy, restful, night’s sleep. At Dental Lab Direct, we offer custom-made MADs, built to provide long-lasting snoring relief. DLD’s three-step ordering process makes acquiring your new snoring-prevention device a breeze. Once you receive the impression kit in the mail, all you need to do is take an impression of your teeth and mail it back to us! Then, your custom-fitted MAD will be delivered to your door. With a custom-made device from Dental Lab Direct, you can bid snoring goodnight!