Adapting to a night guard is worth the effort as it protects against teeth grinding and clenching. With some perseverance, you'll soon be accustomed to this custom-fitted mouthpiece, giving your peace of mind with its effective defense for better sleep. Getting a night guard may require some adjustment to ensure it is comfortable and effective. Wearing the initial device could have an unfamiliar feel, but any minor discomfort should dissipate as you become accustomed to wearing your custom-fitted night guard overnight.
A night guard is designed to protect your teeth, but it may also increase the amount of saliva produced in your mouth. While this reaction is completely natural, too much moisture can interfere with getting a good night's sleep. A simple solution: take a few sips of water before slipping into bed and frequently swallow throughout the night for optimum comfort while wearing a custom night guard.
When wearing a night guard, your bite may feel slightly different than it does without the night guard. This is because the night guard creates a barrier between your teeth that can change how your teeth come together. This should not be a cause for concern, as it is a normal part of wearing a custom-fit night guard.
Night guards are not indestructible and will eventually wear out over time. Depending on the type of night guard you have, replacing it every six months to a year is the standard lifespan for your custom-made night guard. If you notice any signs of wear or damage to your night guard, you'll know it will need to be replaced to retain its efficacy.