Pros and Cons of Metal Free Partials

best material for partial dentures

With advances in the technology used to make and wear dentures, plenty of options are available for you: are metal-free partials the best choice for you?

For people looking for dentures, three variables should influence their decision: cost, durability, and adaptability to a changing mouth. People who experience lost teeth use dentures for different reasons – your decision should be based on what is right for you both now and down the line. There isn’t a universal best option for everyone.

When you order dentures, you’ll have to wear them every single day. That’s why it is so important that you not only find a pair that is comfortable, but also practical. Different material construction makes every kind of denture a little bit different. With so many varieties available on the market, what is the best kind of material for your mouth?

Metal Partials

Partial dentures that include metal use the material as a means of connecting with teeth that remain in the mouth. At a minimum, they include two clasps that firmly grip onto the existing teeth, and may include minor connectors for additional support.

Because they have firmer connections to the teeth already in place, metal partial dentures tend to be smaller in length, height, and thickness. The clasps may also be visible – while they look similar to existing teeth, this may be an aesthetic drawback.

Metal partials are also significantly more expensive than their acrylic or plastic counterparts – anywhere between 25% and 75%. Additionally, they are hard to change, so more lost teeth can only add to their cost.

Metal Free Partials

Metal-free partial dentures are typically made out of acrylic or plastic. Because they don’t include metal clasps, they tend to be slightly larger than metal partials. Advances in denture technology have made them equal in comfort to metal dentures.

One of the biggest advantages to metal-free partial dentures is their cost. They are significantly less expensive than metal partials, making them much more accessible to the vast majority of people requiring them. This also makes them a better fit for people who might lose more teeth down the line – they are easier to replace.

Because metal-free partials are not held as firmly in place, an accurate impression must be made. Failing to do so can result in sore spots and gum damage around the teeth. They are also somewhat more prone to damage, and require more cleaning because of the material they are made of.


So which is the better choice: metal partial dentures or acrylic partial dentures? While historically metal partials have had a significantly better fit than acrylic partials, advances have made the difference between the two virtually indistinguishable.

Three considerations to make include:

  • Affordability – For those on a budget, the question of price is a no-brainer. Metal-free partials are significantly more affordable and can be ordered online to avoid the expense of visiting a dentist.
  • Lifestyle – Metal dentures are more durable than metal-free partials. For those living more active lifestyles, particularly younger people who may have lost teeth to an accident rather than underlying conditions, this makes them slightly more viable. They require slightly less maintenance and cleaning, although best practices for cleaning partial dentures should be followed regardless of the material they are made of.
  • Adaptability – For people who may lose more teeth in the future, metal partials are much more expensive to change and adapt to the conditions of more tooth loss. For these individuals, metal-free partial dentures are a wiser investment, as they can be replaced or customized at less cost.

Between the two options, more people have begun seeing metal-free partial dentures made of acrylic or plastic as preferable. This decision is contingent on having a provider that is able to accurately match your impression to minimize discomfort. At Dental Lab Direct, we’ve made it easier than ever to purchase and wear acrylic partial dentures. By ordering from home and skipping out on dentist fees, you can save $1,800 or more in dentist fees, while getting a perfect fit for your mouth. Contact us today for more information, or shop from our range of products to get that perfect smile you’re looking for!