Can Buying Partial Dentures Save Money in the Long-Term?

Portrait of man smiling

Partial dentures are a small investment that can save you money – thousands of dollars in the long term – thanks to the reduced strain on the rest of your teeth and your jawbone. This comes as a surprise to many.

Many might consider a gap in one’s teeth to be nothing more than an aesthetic impairment. How much damage can a missing tooth really cause?

As it turns out, the cost of not taking care of your dental health can greatly outweigh the expense of purchasing a partial denture now. Finding a partner that is able to offer you immediate and affordable options can offer immediate results and save you from paying costly future bills.

How Do Missing Teeth Affect Overall Dental Health?

A missing tooth can affect your dental health in unexpected ways. The damage may not be immediately obvious, but over time has drastic consequences.

In the short term, a missing tooth changes the way that you eat food. You’re likely to favor one side of your jaw over the other. With any new behavior, it eventually becomes habitual – over time, you won’t even notice how you’ve changed the way you eat. The problem goes ignored.

Favoring one side of your mouth while chewing will wear down your other teeth more rapidly. In time, this will result in a greater likelihood of chips, cracks, and cavities. With the possibility of other teeth being damaged, more teeth can be lost. The teeth in your mouth may shift to account for the missing space, leading to a misaligned smile.

The issues don’t stop there. Once a tooth has been lost, the jawbone will start to degrade where your tooth once was. Unlike teeth which are covered in enamel and are relatively resilient, a jawbone is not protected and cannot heal. This will change your facial structure, making your face appear uneven.

A hidden tooth can be concealed when you don’t smile, but an uneven jaw cannot be hidden. Can Nesbit partial dentures help?

How Buying Partial Dentures Save Money Over Time

Once a tooth has been lost, there is no way to reverse the damage that naturally occurs from a tooth gap. However, the process can be slowed down substantially when you buy partial dentures, so that the side-effects are virtually unnoticeable.

How is this the case?

With partial dentures, the gap between teeth is closed. Visually, your smile will look identical to what it was before. For those concerned with appearances, this is often worth it in itself. It gives a boost to your confidence as well as your mental health.

The benefits don’t stop there. Partial dentures serve an important practical purpose – they work just like any other tooth and will allow you to chew on both sides of your mouth. Keeping a partial denture in throughout the day keeps your teeth from shifting and your smile even. Over time, this means less damage to the rest of your teeth and less damage to your jawbone.

The Best Partial Dentures Don’t Have to Put a Gap in your Bank Account

When you invest in partial dentures, your dental bill will be considerably less expensive over time. Like most medical issues, the longer you wait on a problem, the worse it is likely to get. Solving an issue in the short term leads to a better prognosis and better results.

One of the biggest issues that people face with dentures is the pricing. Visiting a dentist for dentures can be expensive thanks to the surcharges necessary to keep their practices open. This can be prohibitive for those looking to fix their teeth who are also on a tight budget.

Thankfully, this process can be done from the comfort of your own home. Dental Lab Direct offers affordable, mail-order partial dentures that are functionally identical to those that you can get from an in-person location. A dental impression kit is sent to your house, along with simple instructions. Once sent back, within two to three weeks you will have a custom partial denture fitted perfectly to your teeth.

A missing tooth doesn’t mean you have to miss out on life. Contact us today to learn more about our services.