Tooth loss can often result from causes like untreated cavities, injury and disease. You may eventually need dentures if you lose enough teeth, particularly when you have more than one missing tooth in a row. Obtaining dentures has historically been a time-consuming process, requiring multiple trips to your dentist. However, the increasing availability of online dental services makes it easier to get dentures without going to a dentist. This guide provides an overview of that process.
Choose a Company
The first step is to choose a company that provides the specific services you need. In addition to full and partial dentures, your dentures may eventually require repair, whether the entire denture or just an individual tooth. Dentures also require regular cleaning by a professional, typically at least once a year.
Ordering Dentures
Ordering dentures online generally consists of three steps: completing the order form, making the impressions and sending them to the company that will make the dentures.
Complete the Online Order Form
The first step towards getting your dentures online is to complete an order form, which includes information on the type of dentures you need, contact information, and payment information. Online dentures generally offer the same options and upgrades that are available from an in-office dentist. For example, high-quality dentures are composed of multiple layers of acrylic, just like your own teeth. As a result, these dentures have a more natural appearance than those with only one layer.
Once you’ve selected your dentures, you’ll need to decide on your payment method. In addition to paying the entire purchase price when you order, online denture companies typically offer other payment options.
For example, Dental Labs Direct (DLD) also allows you to split your purchase into four interest-free payments that you pay automatically every two weeks. You can also pay 30 days later, interest-free. For larger purchases, DLD offers payment plans with terms ranging from 6 to 24 months, starting at 0 percent interest.
Take the Impressions
The impression kit will be mailed directly to your home once you place your order, so you should receive it within a few days. Accurate impressions are essential for ensuring your dentures fit properly, as poor-fitting dentures can cause sore spots and difficulties in eating. As a result, each kit should be customized for your particular type. In addition, the denture provider should provide plenty of guidance on how to take impressions, including step-by-step written instructions included with the impression kit. The company should provide demonstration videos and other helpful resources on their website.
Taking dental impressions is simpler than it may appear at first. This process usually begins by mixing the impression material and placing it in the tray included in your kit.
The next step is to place the tray in your mouth and bite down firmly to create the impression. Then, hold that position for a few minutes until the material hardens slightly before removing the tray. The crucial part of this step is to wait for the precise time indicated in the instructions so that an accurate impression is formed without the material sticking to your teeth.
Sending the Impressions
Avoid removing material from the tray once you’ve made the impression. You should send pictures of the impression to your denture provider and ensure that a qualified technician reviews it to ensure the impression is of acceptable quality.
Once the quality is confirmed, you’ll return the impression to your denture provider, typically using the same box and a pre-paid shipping label. The dental lab will make the dentures from the impression and send them to you, typically within three to four weeks.
Adjustments and Repairs
Dentures often require minor adjustments to achieve the best possible fit, which shouldn’t incur any additional charges. Furthermore, denture providers usually offer repairs on their dentures. Sometimes, you can get same-day repair if you can drop your dentures off at a local repair store.
If you want the denture provider to perform the repair, this procedure generally involves requesting a free shipping label online. A courier service will pick up your dentures and deliver them to the provider. You should receive a free quote before the technician begins any work.
Denture Relining
In addition to general restoration, denture repairs include several specific services. Relining is a procedure that modifies the underside of the dentures, usually to make them fit more comfortably on your gums. It usually becomes necessary when your teeth change position to the point that your dentures no longer fit well. Relining requires you to take another set of impressions, just as you did when you first ordered your dentures.
Order Your Dentures Online Today
Addressing your missing teeth is a key step in regaining your confidence and smile, no matter which option you choose. DLD can help you achieve your goals for dental health with a range of partial dentures, which is a cost-effective option if you have multiple missing teeth.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can give you a new smile in only four weeks!