Who Can Benefit from Clip-On Smiles?


Who can benefit from Clip-On-Smile

Do you feel like your smile is getting in the way of you being able to express your joy? Don’t worry! Now, you can flash that million-dollar smile without letting self-consciousness get the better of you. Just get a Clip-On Smile today!

It’s the most convenient and economical method out there and helps you get the smile you have always wanted.

What are Clip-On Smiles?

A Clip-On Smile is a cosmetic enhancement with the goal of giving you a brilliant smile. The method is extremely simple, super quick and very efficient. The procedure involves the wearing of a removable set of veneers that are basically tooth-colored shells that are extremely thin and fit over your teeth perfectly, concealing any and all superficial defects or discoloration. These veneers are in the form of a removable denture and look exactly like natural teeth and are made from the best quality high-tech dental resin. They are not even half a millimeter thick, and thus, will cause no hindrance whatsoever, in any oral functions such as speech or consumption of food

Advantages of the Clip-On Smile

The Clip-On Smile is the perfect solution for you if you are plagued by any of the problems listed below:

  1. If your teeth have stains that are permanent
  2. If you have a tooth/teeth that is/are chipped
  3. . If you have crooked teeth or if your teeth are not aligned properly
  4. If it is too big of a gap between adjacent teeth
  5. If you want to restore your smile by replacing your missing teeth
  6. If you are not able to dental get bridges or implants, a Clip-On Smile will take care of all your dental woes
  7. If you think your smile needs a make-over, you can get yourself a million-dollar smile for a very small price with a Clip-On Smile

How to Go About Getting a Clip-On Smile

Getting yourself a brilliant new smile for needs no longer be a distant dream. With Clip-On Smiles, it is as easy as one, two, or three. It’s also a really quick procedure. All that is required is for us to examine your teeth and dental assess your dental health to determine whether or not this procedure is suitable for you.

Following this, we will prepare impressions of your teeth to send to a certified laboratory so that they can make the prosthesis. Next, after a day or two, we will carry out a final fitting to make sure that when you leave, you leave us with a blinding smile and a spring in your step.

Why You Should Opt for a Clip-On Smile?

There are many benefits that only a Clip-On Smile can offer you. Here is why you should opt for a Clip-On Smile over other options. Available for the cosmetic restoration of chipped, crooked, or stained teeth. Given below is a list of reasons why hundreds of people around the world opt for this procedure to make their smiles brighter.

  • Economical Option– Unlike other cosmetic dental procedures, which are pretty pricey and aren’t very affordable, the Clip-On Smile is actually quite economical and light on the pocket.
  • Speedy Results– In contrast to other cosmetic dentistry procedures, the process of getting a Clip-On Smile is quite quick and speedy. In fact, after the two visits that are required, you can get your Clip-On Smile in just two weeks after your last mandate.
  • No Pain or Discomfort– Dental procedures like porcelain crowns or veneers lead to the loss of a significant amount of your natural tooth structure, but such is not the case with Clip-On Smiles. This procedure doesn’t require any kind of anesthesia or painful pre-procedure preparation. You can rest assured that your smile will not cause you any pain, loss, or discomfort.
  • Convenience– As the name suggests, the Clip-On Smile can be snapped on as when you desire, for instance, when you have to attend a meeting or a social gathering, and can be taken off just as easily when you are at home or don’t want to wear it.
  • Aesthetic appeal– The Clip-On Smiles require no additional dental procedures like teeth whitening, and are extremely aesthetically appealing, giving you a natural-looking dazzling smile.
  • Renders Dentures Obsolete– Now, it’s all about “Out with the old and in with the new”. The Clip-On Smilerenders your old dentures are useless and unnecessary. You do not have to bother with having to clean your dentures after every meal any longer. Just switch over to a Clip-On Smile.

Taking Care of Your Clip-On Smile

It is important to keep in mind that a Clip-On Smile is only a temporary solution for restoring your smile. This is due to the fact that this fixture has a limited shelf-life and therefore, needs to be replaced regularly.  This is because the appliance has a limited lifetime since it needs frequent replacement. That is not to say, however, that its life can’t be prolonged. Here are a few tips on how you can lengthen the life of your Clip-On Smile:

  • Stay away from Food that Might Stain Your Teeth– Even though the attachment is made to be stain-resistant, it is still advised that you refrain from consuming things like red wine or grape juice, which can lead to staining of your prosthesis as well as your teeth.
  • Avoid Wearing it at Night– It is highly recommended that you refrain from wearing your Clip-On Smile while sleeping. Not only can it lead to the shortening of the life of the prosthesis, but it can also cause it to get stained
  • Avoid Foods that Leave Stains– although the appliance has been designed to resist staining, you should avoid beverages like red wine or grapefruit juice, which can your teeth and the prosthesis.
  • Handle with Care– While the Clip-On Smile is sturdy despite how delicate it might seem, it is still advised that you handle it with care as dropping it frequently and being negligent could result in it developing cracks or getting fractured.
  • Say ‘No’ to Sticky Food– You should try to avoid sticky food as much as possible as it can lead to the Clip-On Smile getting dislodged.

Want to try a new smile before committing to a more permanent dental solution? Well, what are you waiting for? Visit us at Dental Lab Direct today to get yourself a Clip-On Smile!

Let us help you show the world that your smile is priceless!

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